How to Turn Off the Fire Alarm in a Building – Step-by-Step Guide in 2023

The fire alarm in a building serves as a crucial safety measure, ensuring that people are promptly alerted in case of emergencies. However, there are instances where false notifications can occur, causing disruptions for the residents. In these circumstances, you must know how to disarm the fire detector. Being familiar with these steps is important, as you may encounter such scenarios unexpectedly. Here are some vital guidelines from “Best Home Security Of America” to follow when you need to disable or turn off the fire alarm within a building.

Process of Turning Off the Fire Alarm in a Building

  1. Identify the alarm type
  2. Locate the console
  3. Must check for instructions
  4. Code entering process
  5. Press reset button
  6. Turn off the alarm confirmation 

Identify the Alarm Type

Firstly, you should understand the type of fire detection devices installed. There are two main types of fire detectors in commercial and residential buildings nowadays:

  1. Local Fire security system
  2. Monitored fire security system
  • Local Fire Security System

 A local fire security system is designed to be audible only within the premises where it is installed and does not automatically notify the fire department. 

  • Monitored Fire security system

On the other hand, a monitored fire system is connected to a central monitoring station, which is responsible for promptly alerting the fire department during emergencies. A monitored fire system typically includes a flashing red light. 

Locate the Control Panel

Finding the fire security system’s control panel within the structure is the first step. In most modern buildings, you can find the control panel near the main entrance or in the utility room. To find a metal box with buttons and lights, look for one with a glass front.

Must Check for instructions 

In case of any emergency before attempting to turn off the fire security, you should know how to turn off the fire alarm. For this purpose, you should find out the book in which this process is written or try to find out any kind of sign or label with all details of instructions about how to turn off the fire alarm in the building. Try to find out these instructions on the control panel which may be near the main entrance of the house. 

Code Entering Process 

If you are unable to find the instructions and the fire detector continues to flash red, causing distress among building occupants, try entering the code into the fire system. Usually, the code consists of four digits and is used to deactivate the fire detector If you are unaware of the code, contact the fire department or facility management for assistance during the emergency.

Press Reset Button 

In the event of an emergency, if you have made every effort to locate instructions on turning off the fire detector but still you require assistance, proceed by entering the designated code to silence the alarm system. Once you have entered the code, proceed to press the reset button on the control panel, typically positioned near the main entrance of the building. By doing so, the fire detector system should cease sounding, effectively resetting the entire building’s security system.

Turn Off the Alarm Confirmation

After following the necessary steps to turn off the fire security system, ensure that the device sound has ceased and the red light has turned off. Verify that each of the lights on the control panel is turned on normally.


In conclusion, all residents of a facility need to be aware of the steps for disabling a fire alarm in case of emergencies. Familiarizing oneself with the necessary steps how to deactivate the fire security system is crucial for ensuring the safety and well-being of everyone in the building. All members who live in the facility should have access to such information and must be aware of it. 

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